Kiwi... Unleashed!

Mental meandering of the day (or so)
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Insomnia Chronicles, Pilot Episode

2003-09-07 - 3:55 p.m.

I found this among my miscellaneous files and thought I'd add it to my entries here, since I will most likely add new episodes in the future. It was written in an aim window, from me to me, on a slow night after a stressful day a couple years ago. The names (ok, my name) has been changed to avoid annoying aim messages from random strangers. RandomFriendWannabe, I don't particularly care to chat with someone halfway around the globe just because all of the 10 people who live in your town are at the Annual Losers Convention of BFE. BadlyNeedsADate, I could care less how tall you are or what your shoe size is. And no, AmyRodeo, I have no desire to see your webcam.

Kiwi: Captains Log; Stardate 11/30/01, 2:28am:

Kiwi: Woke up, chest tight, can't breathe- sat outside for a few minutes to view our lovely solar system

Kiwi: unfortunately, it was very cloudy and I couldn't see shit except for clouds, and a faint glow of where the moon should be

Kiwi: a blue moon by the way (definition: second full moon in 1 month)

Kiwi: once in a blue moon, and i can't even see the damned thing

Kiwi: once again, i am the queen of solitaire- every deck fears me...

Kiwi: I'm typing alone tonight (again)- friends online, but there is no response to my attempt to communicate

Kiwi: is there some significance to being stood up by an insomniac?

Kiwi: if there is- lets leave it a mystery- i don't wanna know...

Kiwi: ...question- how is it that i'm the only soul on the internet and i get booted off?

Kiwi: are the people at msn just trying to play with my head?

Kiwi: if i start hearing voices thru my computer, i'm outta here.

Kiwi: ok- it's lightly raining now, still no stars visible- no constellation analysis possible

Kiwi: eyeballs getting dry from staring at computer screen...

Kiwi: time to make a sad attept to go back to sleep for an hour or two before my alarm goes out

Kiwi: this your captain, signing off

Kiwi: stay tuned for the next episode of the insomnia chronicals...

Kiwi: please attempt to be present for the next episode, as tonight has hindered my nielson ratings

Kiwi: This is Kiwi signing off: 11/30/01 3:04am

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A few recent entries...

How to train a husband - 2004-10-14
Upgrade THIS! - 2004-01-30
Insomnia Chronicles, Pilot Episode - 2003-09-07
Why don't you shit and stay for a while? - 2003-07-19
Kiwi said, with a sheepish grin - 2003-07-07

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