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2004-10-14 - How to train a husband
2004-01-30 - Upgrade THIS!
2003-09-07 - Insomnia Chronicles, Pilot Episode
2003-07-19 - Why don't you shit and stay for a while?
2003-07-07 - Kiwi said, with a sheepish grin
2003-06-22 - Pardon me, would you like to buy some fleas?
2003-06-13 - Tech support for tech support
2003-05-24 - Ahh, Memorial Day
2003-03-29 - Irish dancing...
2003-03-29 - Procreation motivation, revisited...
2003-03-25 - Procreation motivation, or lack thereof...
2003-03-23 - Painful Conversations...
2003-03-21 - Just when you thought it was safe�

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