Kiwi... Unleashed!

Mental meandering of the day (or so)
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Just when you thought it was safe�

2003-03-21 - 9:42 a.m.

What? Kiwi started an online diary? Now why would she go and do a thing like that? Well, I did it for a few reasons, but basically it boils down to the fact that my scattered brain is often preoccupied with things that crack me up, piss me off or intrigue me, and I�ve found lately that I really enjoy putting them into writing. Why I thought other people might enjoy reading it, I don�t know. They very well may not enjoy reading about what goes on in my twisted little mind, and I�m sure some people may be offended or disgusted with my opinions and thoughts, but oh, well. Tough titty said the kitty.

So if you read through my blabbering and don�t like it and/or you have something to say about it, feel free to contribute your opinion. Hell, you might even be motivated to start your own little literary corner of the internet. If you do, please let me know, as I always love to hear the opinions and thoughts of others. Besides, it might give me ideas for future use, which I also would appreciate.

All I can tell you is that two things I have always enjoyed doing are writing and making people laugh, so I figured this might be a good place to do it. This way I can say it once, as opposed to repeating the same stories and comments to several people, or worse yet, several times to the same person, as I tend to do. Hey, I don�t remember which stories I tell people, and if you don�t stop me, it�s your own fault for having to suffer through it a second, third or fourth time. And if you want, for some strange reason, to suffer through one of my stories or rants more than once, you can come back and read them as many times as you desire.

Lucky you. Now you have the opportunity to subject yourself to the inner workings of Kiwi�s mind. I know, just what you wanted, right? Don�t jump for joy too much and expend all your energy at once. You may need it later. I know I can use all the energy I can get, natural or artificial. Never forget to thank the gods for caffeine- they get angry when they�re not appreciated properly. Now bookmark this and come on back now every so often, ya hear?

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